The chance overhearing of a school trip out from London prompted a four year journey to create the Three Shells Lagoon. Due to the vast tidal shift in the Thames Estuary the school trip conversation continued on ‘where had the sea gone?’
A day at the seaside certainly has limitations with the sea disappearing!

Discussing this with Mr Philip Miller MBE, Chairman of the Stockvale Group, it soon became apparent that together with the late engineer Jim Wilson, the Stockvale Group had developed ideas for a lagoon over a number of years with different ideas of where and how, in recognition of the vanishing sea.
Believing we may be able to realise this aspiration the idea of a lagoon as an area of water for everyone to enjoy and use all year was given serious consideration.
The submission of the planning application followed a series of discussions over several years with various agencies including the Environmental Agency, RSPB, Natural England and the Marine Management Organisation, as well as various teams including the Planning Officers, within Southend on Sea City Council.
The added benefit of our proposals of introducing the lagoon to an area of beach that was manmade was reinforcement of the sea defences and the creation of rockpools to establish a new local habitat.
An integral aspect of the design is the broader landscape and resort improvements including a toilet and shower block.